…Takitimu House was not just a place for the homeless to doss down but there would be support services, including a social worker to work with the men to try to get them back into mainstream accommodation and employment.
When I came to Takitimu House I was in ‘crisis’.
I had lost my job and had been looking for somewhere to live for a while but was unable to find somewhere that I could reasonably afford. I had no other options left and was not looking forward to sleeping in my car, I can tell you.
Upon presenting to the shelter door I was afforded a warm and hearty “hello” by all the staff including Annamarie the Manager....
Sleeping rough was linked to Dad's mental illness.
During the years prior to Takitimu House being set up, Dad was in a repetitive cycle: becoming unwell - losing his stable accommodation - sleeping rough - recovering from his illness - finding new accommodation. And repeat. Over time, the stable accommodation options became fewer and periods of illness longer, meaning he spent more time on the streets.
A World of Difference
“I would like to comment on the great work the Tauranga Moana Nightshelter staff team do in offering support for a diverse range of people, some of whom are quite high risk offenders. Historically many of these people have had no other option but to survive on the streets. This however is usually short-lived and they invariably re-offend. To have a place that can offer a roof over their head and provide good practical ongoing support has made a world of difference to some of our itinerant offenders”.
P 07 579 5322
E info@takitimuhouse.org.nz
171 Elizabeth Street Tauranga, New Zealand 3110